NEWS IN ENGLISH 25/11/2014

The deputy dean of Aristotle University of Thessalonica Giannis Tzifopoulos submitted his resignation after the uproar caused by his statements in a tv show that: “ I am afraid that all of us who are in a position of power must become fascists, otherwise Greeks can’t be dealt with. If you misbehave, you should be given a cuff and made to comply, as is the rule in  all the serious countries of the world.”
After the video of his statement was published on social media by the students’ union of the Faculty of Philosophy, the dean of the University Pericles Mitkas accepted his resignation, while the students proceeded to an occupation of the   administration headquarters of the university requiring meetings of the Senate to be public.

At the OECD offices in  Paris talks between a Greek government delegation with representatives of the country’s troika of international lenders started earlier today and are to be continued tomorrow, in an attempt to prepare for a Eurogroup summit on December 8.
Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and his coalition partner, PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos, agreed yesterday to support their choices concerning the reforms demanded by the troika, using the factor of political instability as a main argument.
“A collapsing government cannot bind the Greek people with a new   bailout agreement since this will be cancelled by their vote”, Syriza spokesman commented.

Overdue taxes from the beginning of the year to the end of October reached 10.9 billion euros. Only during October maturities rose to 1.2 billion euros.
From the new 2014 debts only 1.6 billion euros have been collected, which amounts to 14.8%.
According to the memorandum an almost impossible 25% of 2014 debts ought to have been collected by the end of the year.

The Syrian refugees who are still  in Syndagma square in Athens say they are determined to remain there even until Christmas claiming asylum, shelter and the permission to travel to other countries of the EU  for those who wish to be reunited with their families. Many of them, children excluded, are going on a hunger strike since yesterday covering their mouths with tape symbolically  and  have also abstained from water as from today.

Yesterday four people fainted, one of whom was a pregnant woman.

Judges of the five-member Court of Appeal for Felonies have decided by majority  the release of Areti Tsohatzopoulou on bail. On the contrary they have unanimously rejected once again the parole application by Vicky Stamati.

A further extension of contracts for governmental broadcaster’s NERIT employees has been included in an amendment of Ministry of Education’s Bill to be tabled tomorrow in Parliament. The Ministry of Education’s Bill is mainly about Research and is to be discussed and voted by a plenary session  tomorrow in Parliament. The amendment provides for a series of expenses by the special administrator  of NERIT until June 30th  2015, estimated to reach 26.160.000 euros in total.


Cloudy weather mostly in continental parts of the country with rain and snow in the highlands of northern Greece, are forecast for tomorrow 26th  of November.

Northern winds in the Aegean, moderate to strong and locally almost gale, while southeastern winds will blow in the Ionian gradually growing stronger after noon.

Increased cloudiness is expected on Wednesday in Attica. The temperature in Athens will reach 13 degrees Celsius. Cloudiness with occasional rain are expected for tomorrow in Thessalonica with the temperature reaching 8 degrees Celsius.
Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54