NEWS IN ENGLISH 22-11-2014

The second political conference of the party of Independent Greeks is taking place this weekend in the Peace and Friendship Stadium.

In his speech Ieader of the party Panos Kammenos emphasized the necessity for a wide patriotic front.

Precedence of SYRIZA in three new polls. The MRB poll for newspaper “Agora”  gives a lead of 4.3% to SYRIZA in voting intention, the Weekly Barometer of Metron Analysis gives Syriza a lead of 4.7 units and the poll for Public Issue for the EDITORS NEWSPAPER records a lead of 11.5% assessed electoral influence.

The strained relationship of the Evagellos Venizelos the current leader of PASOK and former leader George Papandreou has deteriorated recently, after the latter published a letter calling for a Congress for the election of a new party leader.

It is the fourth day that the 300 Syrian refugees remain concentrated in front of the Parliament asking to be granted asylum and travel documents by Greek authorities and demanding shelter for their families.

Despite protests and political initiatives supporting their case, the government seems unwilling to do anything to solve their problem.

The fighting cleaning ladies of the Ministry of Finance and the redundant school guards expressed their solidarity to the Syrian refugees collecting food and blankets in Syntagma Square to relieve them.

Fifteen people were injured in the early hours when a gunman started firing indiscriminately inside a nightclub located in the seaside Athens area of Mikrolimano.

Three of the injured are in a serious condition.

Prison inmate Hercules Kostaris, is in a critical state of health after being on a hunger strike for 24 days and was transferred to Evagelismos hospital.

Hercules Kostaris is protesting because he has been refused the educational leaves he had been taking for the past 2.5 years to attend classes in the Pireaus Polytechnic where he is studying.

Inmate Nickos Romanos is in the twelfth day of his own hunger strike, with the support of Giannis Mihailides, also demanding the educational leaves to which he is entitled  according to the law in order to complete his studies.

The Athens Daily Newspaper Journalists Union ESIEA issued a press release, criticizing the decision of Newspaper ELEFTHEROTYPIA’s management to close down the editors accounts in the newspaper’s site – much like the closure of ERT- in order to prevent them from publishing their views in the internet.

Amnesty International has condemned Greek police brutality stating:

“Amnesty International is deeply concerned over reports of excessive use of force and misuse of less-lethal weapons against protesters, ill-treatment of bystanders and attacks against photojournalists and journalists by riot police during and after demonstrations in Athens on 13 and 17 November 2014.”


Ιn Syria, with a new wave of air strikes overnight the civilian death toll is rapidly increasing.

Since the launching of the U.S.-led coalition bombings it is calculated that at least 910 people have lost their lives, including 52 noncombatants, many of them women and children.


Weather is expected to be mostly fair on Sunday with scattered clouds mostly in the area of the Aegean.

In the early hours there will be low temperatures with sporadic frost in the highlands. Temperatures will reach 16 degrees Celsius in Athens and 12 degrees in Thessalonika.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54