Council of State clarifications: Immediate temporary startup of a transitional ERT with hired personnel and consequent foundation of a new public broadcaster

Greek Council of State demands immediate implementation of its decision on Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation-ERT.

According to new clarifications given to journalists by CoS president Konstantinos Menoudakos, the responsible ministers Mr. Stournaras and Kedikoglou, have to take the necessary actions for the temporary startup of ERT TV channels, radio stations and website by hiring new personnel, the number of which will be defined by an appointed new special operator. The special operator’s mission will be to pave the way for the successor public broadcaster.

According to the Council of State, ERT’s startup should already be underway.

The new operator will determine if the personnel will be chosen from the people dismissed by ERT, or other private or public companies, and, of course, their number.

It is not clarified if the operator and the liquidator are one and the same but there have been some discussions for the first post to two higher judicial officials and a university professor, with no apparent result.

In any case, he is the one to put in action the necessary actions and to manage the intermediate state of ERT until the Greek parliament decides about the new broadcaster and the new organization chart is ratified.

The disbandment of ERT took place with the implementation of the government’s decision, that the Supreme Administrative Court has no jurisdiction to negate.

The next stage will be the recourse to a temporary second order until the discussion of the appeal on September 27th.

Panhellenic Federation of Radio Television Unions is expected to appeal to Council of State again tomorrow

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54