News in English

National Exams today with Mathematics and Ancient Greek

With Mathematics and Ancient Greek ,were continued today the Exams, issues that were generally accepted .

PASOK : We agree to implement the Court 's decision for the cleaners

PASOK agrees by a statement , to implement the court decision of the cleaners, who they managed to get it by their militancy with a symbolic blockade outside the party's office at Charilaou Trikoypi . Before that ,they where beaten up by an employee of the party.

A defiant attitude of Greek Presidency for the mutants

The Greek 's Presidency attitude remains defiant for the mutants . By a proposal of Mr Venizelos and Mr Maniatis ,which allowed the cultivation of mutant seeds in the European Union, weakening the member countries that may wish to resist the plans of multinationals. For this “black page” of the Greek Presidency ,spoke this morning in radio of Ertopen , Elena Danalis from the Greek office of Greenpeace.

Five Unions of Public Electricity Company (DEI) ask to cancel the spec for selling off the company

The spec for the sale to private individuals of 66 % of infrastructure and electricity networks across the country ,they ask by an appeal to the Council of State , the 5 unions of Public Electricity Company(DEI). The appeal said that the sale of the DEI network is unconstitutional , illegal and contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights.

POSPERT-UNI/MEI : Europe-wide mobilization to June 11

European mobilization outside the Greek embassies in cooperation with UNI / MEI and other collectives , organized on 11 June, when closing one year of the Fascist black ERT .

Meeting at this afternoon in Athens Labour Centre to organize rally on June 11th
Today , at 6pm , the POSPERT and Administrative Employees Association , call for a meeting of all the clubs and collectives of workers and unemployed at the Labour Centre of Athens, for organizing a rally for June 10th , the day that sits in judgement the case of the cleaners of the Ministry of Finance and all actions for June 11th ,anniversary day of “black “ in ERT.

King of Spain, Juan Carlos , releases for his son Felippe

In Spain , the resignation of King Juan Carlos, in favor of his son Felipe , was announced today by the Prime Minister Rajoy . First it must be voted an amendment that would allow the resignation of King , who has serious health problems .

Russia records in UN Security Council a resolution against violence in Ukraine

Russia submits today a draft resolution in the UN Security Council, calling for an immediate end to violence in Ukraine and the creation of humanitarian corridors to the east of the country , said the Foreign Minister ,Sergei Lavrov .


Increased cloudness in most of the country , with local showers in the mainland ,that will be increased and will occur y from midday onwards and sporadic thunderstorms in central and north , waiting for tomorrow Tuesday. Moderate dust transporting from Africa ,will be seen in Southern Greece .
Temperatures will range from 14 to 26 degrees in northern Greece , from 14 to 24 degrees in Central Greece , from 16 to 24 degrees in southern Greece , from 16 to 28 degrees in western Greece and from 18 to 25 degrees in the Aegean islands and Crete, with the maximum on the north coast of the island to reach local 30 degrees .
The winds will blow in the Aegean sea from eastern addresses patients to mostly moderate in the north and to moderate south to gradual strengthening from noon to strong to near gale and East Cretan windy . The Ionian winds will blow easterly moderate and locally in Southern Ionian Patras and almost gale to gale .
Increasing clouds with a chance of local rains , is expected tomorrow in Attica. The internal temperature will reach 23 degrees Celsius . The winds will blow almost northeastern moderate to moderate and from noon onwards powerful.
Increasing clouds with local rain by the evening , is expected tomorrow in Thessaloniki . The temperature will reach 26 degrees Celsius . The winds will blow from Thermaikos in southern direction to moderate , turning the night in the northwestern with the same intensity .

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54