Greek Communist Party Secretary General meets President of the Hellenic Republic

Greek Communist Party Secretary General, Dimitris Koutsoumpas met with the President of the Hellenic Republic, Karolos Papoulias on Wednesday, July 10th, at the Presidential Mansion of Athens, in order to inform him of the party’s positions on major issues concerning the Greek people and the country.

Dimitris Koutsoumpas expressed the party’s concerns regarding the current state of affairs in the Mediterranean region as well as globally, with the country running the risk of a possible involvement in wars, conflicts and interventions in the region.

He said that the Communist Party is against all measures implemented by the government, all memorandums and all antipopular laws, “especially to the new brutal measures of massive civil servants dismissals and the increase in the number of the unemployed. The current unemployment rate is almost 30%. There are also the issues of teachers and professors, municipal workers, Hellenic Defence Systems employees, along with a long list of public sector entities facing potential closure.”

Moreover, Dimitris Koutsoumpas expressed the Communist party’s opposition to the “great tax robbery” inflected on the Greek people by the state; the abolishment – in essence - of the minimum wage as the government would be the one to lower it at will.  The Communist party opposes to all these measures which the Greek people must be ready to fight up against.


Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54