Evangelos Venizelos from Heraklion: No new measures shall be imposed

There will be no new restrictions imposed on incomes, salaries and pensions, underlined from Heraklion the vice-president of the government and PASOK president Evangelos Venizelos, noting that what has to be done is a change to the state.The sacrifices have been great and, for a while, we shall still have to implement difficult policies. But Greece cannot stand any new fiscal measures, the people cannot stand any new income restrictions. No new restrictions will be imposed to incomes, salaries and pensions. What must be done is for us to change the state. To respond to the society’s cry of anguish, which wants another state, and there we must be determined” he characteristically mentioned.



At the same time, Mr. Venizelos appeared optimistic about the market and tourism issues and pointed out that “our main concern is to support enterprises”, underlining that “without the recapitalisation we would not be able to support the middle and small enterprise”. “Supporting the enterprises means supporting employment” he added.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 12/07/2013 - 13:27