The transfer of the entire corps of the Municipal Police

The possible transfer of 4.000 members of the municipal police to the Hellenic Police triggers reactions. According to today’s publications, this possibility is being negotiated with troika.

The Central Union of Municipalities in Greece (KEDE) is against this transfer. Its president, mr Kostas Askounis, declared that “the annulment of the municipal police was never an issue, let alone being discussed with the government”. According to publications, the government suggested this transfer in order to end the issue of mobility, after making sure that this proposal was accepted by troika.

According to the same information, the possible transfer of members of the Municipal Police to the Hellenic Police would liberate employees that so far deal with bureaucratic tasks and would enhance the effectiveness of the corps. More specifically, the plan is for 3.500 employees to be transferred to the Ministry of Public Order in order to grant aid to the management of illegal trade, the control of stores, the service of documents and the regulation of traffic.

Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις Παρασκευή, 14/06/2013 - 23:54